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"Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there." ---Rumi

Love is Love! Love is Spiritual Fire!


As a minister passionate about love and cultivating lasting, loving partnerships, it is vital that you are mindful of what is crucial to fully experience the ultimate gifts of marriage that can only be received as you love in awareness. So, let us begin your transition into oneness with the knowledge that will take you to the next level of mastery and begin initiating conversations you have yet to communicate with each other. 


Select a premarital option below to understand the true north vision that will keep you on track to moving towards a profoundly compassionate, loving partnership.


LIVE VIRTUAL LOVE REVIVALS: Choose a premarital option.


1. THE DEEP-ROOTED PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE: Group (limited to 15) During this two-hour love revival, you will learn how understanding The Deep-Rooted Purpose of Marriage awakens you to your soul's desire to love from the fullness of who you are. You will be invigorated and intrigued as you transcend your perspective on loving your partner (or future spouse) in the mundane routine!


Learning about the four seeds of intention is vital for embodiment. You become mindful of how to show up in partnership and the critical aspects of cultivating the connection that keeps you feeling loved and alive for the long term! As participants, you gain insight into how you are available to create the continuous loving bond critical for the kind of love essential for marriage.

Fee: $244 with the ceremony or $344 w/o the ceremony


The session includes a one-day, two-hour, or two-day, two-hour love revival on Zoom, with you and Terumi receiving the same information as the group love revival and coaching

Fee: $444 with the ceremony or $544 w/o the ceremony


Begin your love celebration feeling alive and connected when participating in the Deep-Rooted Purpose of Marriage and the Four Spiritual Love Principles! This virtual private premarital love revival takes a deeper dive into discussions you may not have yet discussed. Each love principle will elevate your awareness to be more present, cultivate your unique Rhythm of We-ness, and expand your understanding of how to become the ultimate lover of your partner! These five two-hour love revivals are held consecutively for five weeks. 
Fee: $1000 w/ceremony or $1800 w/o ceremony


LOVE CEREMONY: Choose one option.

1. HEAVEN ON EARTH: A full-service wedding ceremony includes the officiant, a wedding planning meeting to personalize your love celebration, a rustic venue, and cabins at Weddings at Diorite Mountain located in Mill Spring, NC, or travel to the venue of your choice, the filing of the marriage certificate, personal attention, and a grounding experience. The ceremony is about 20 to 30 minutes in length.

Fee: Call for more information


2. STORY OF US: Micro-ceremony includes an intimate celebration of your love with fewer guests and all the bells and whistles of a full-service wedding!

Fee: $500 and up based on location


3. OUR LOVE STORY: Elopements include a minister who genuinely loves to assist couples in creating an intimate and personal love celebration at the venue of their choice or a hiking adventure to speak your love and devotion to one another in the presence of nature. You may write your vows!

Fee: $400 and up based on location


4. COURTHOUSE GOT YOU WAITING: Your love and devotion are celebrated intimately with just the two of you. A rustic venue at Weddings in Diorite Mountain and the Minister of Love to officiate your union are included. The energy of LOVE. Intimate. Connection. Bring your photographer and two witnesses. Call to get married today!

Fee: Call for information


Typically, the venue coordinator leads the rehearsals. However, if needed and pending my availability, I would happily direct your Rehearsal!**Rehearsal is an additional cost except when you add a premarital service.


**Travel is included in package fees. 

Packages Based On Your Vision - Elevate Your Marriage!


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